Friday, August 6, 2010

The MRI Experience

Ben had his MRI this morning. It went fine. Although he wasn't too fond of it because they had to strap him down and he was all wrapped up like a mummy so he couldn't wiggle very much. Then they wedged his head in with rolled up towels. I stayed in the room with him the whole time and helped hold him down so he couldn't move his head around. I don't know if any of you have had an MRI but it is really noisy. Lots of loud humming, buzzing and banging sounds. The noise startled him and actually held his attention for a minute or two at the very beginning. Then I think it kind of scared him. He screamed the entire time... poor baby! I just stood there in a semi-crouched position with my arms stretched into the tube trying not to cry, because it is so hard seeing my baby scared and crying and not being able to pick him up. I think it was only about 20 minutes long, but it seemed like forever. As soon as it was over, I picked him up and he was so sweaty and had lots of big tear stains but he was back to his normal smiley self after just a few seconds... checking out his surroundings and flirting with all the hospital workers. :)

We don't have the results yet. I was told that the MRI would be read by a radiologist today and then the report sent to our Pediatrician's office... so we are just waiting for a call from them. I guess Monday. I will update everyone then.


  1. Glad to hear that it's just a big head syndrome! Keep us up to date on the latest. Hope all is well!

  2. Oh this breaks my heart... I hate when babies cry and you cant comfort them immediately! I hope he is okay! Give him hugs and kisses from his family in utah!
